Mobile Copenhagen is Denmark’s largest mobile conference. After a break of a few years, the mobile conference is now back with a wider and bigger program than ever before.
The mobile phone is consumers‛ digital focal point every single day. Whether it’s practical assistance, searching, shopping, navigation, streaming, or one of the hundreds of other things we do on mobile. This also means that it is primarily on the mobile phone that you have to penetrate with your marketing and digital business.
Mobile Copenhagen focuses on trends and opportunities in mobile marketing and mobile business development. Through a versatile program with hands-on insights and perspectives on how to best utilize the mobile’s many creative possibilities.
The day is divided into key notes- and break out sessions with specific themes.
1) Social media
2) Digital transformation
3) Display disruption
4) Gamification & Audio
We end the conference with an overview of the app landscape in 2023, as well as a selection of Denmark’s best app according to the Danes themselves.
The conference takes place in Danish, although several presentations will be in English. Welcome to an exciting, fun and inspiring day in the spirit of the mobile phone.
January 31st 2023 @Dansk Erhverv in Copenhagen